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November 01, 2011


could you be anymore talented and clever.. wow.. you are awesome... and I love Lila's costume.. wonderfully done..

What color are your walls? That might be a weird question, but I just bought a house and LOVE your design scheme!

Lila is so cute, and your house looks awesome (as usual!). Happy Halloween!

Hahaha! Super cute costume!!!

Cute and adorable and of course spooky!

Love The robot ballerina!!! What a great idea and so cute!

Oh goodness!! Cutest robot EVER!!!

These are just beautiful! Where do you get all these crafty ideas? Very classy.

These ar the best Halloween decorations ever! I lov the dark wall. And the costume is so cute, I might have to steal it for my daughters next year!

Oh my! Your decor rocks and that is THE cutest costume!

this is SO.SO.SO cute!!!!!! :)

I LOOOOOVE your style!!! Seriously, such great decor and your daughter is ADORABLE!

thanks all!! angela, the dark grey colour is behr intellectual :)

wow lady!! you are such a talent! I love this post so much :)

LOVE the robot!! =) I actually got on here to ask the wall color as well. Thanks for answering!

oh my goodness... how adorable... your little robot and your decorating!

I want to hire you to do all my holiday decorating. This is SO awesome, especially that little robot ballerina. :) love.

UM ANDREA!!!! She looks soooo cute! OMG! You need to help me make Hunters costume next year!! (and help me decorate....and take pictures....ok we're just gonna move in with you guys)hahahaha

I always always adore your craft and decorating! You are an inspiration and that robot costume is just beyond cute! Adorable x

Such a great outfit! I would love an adult version!

Seriously she is sooooo cute.
And how do you change up your wall decor so often and not leave nail marks in the wall? Its a mystery to me. Looks great!

how are you doing this? when I was full-term I slipped into a massive zombie like semi-coma state....and here you are working, raising a daughter, and doing hand-make costumes and decorations..SERIOUSLY?!?!
everything looks amazing!!! I hope you're getting some rest!

This costume is so Awesome!
My 5 year old wants to be a robot this year,
do you remember the size of the boxes you used..?
I would love to know, Thank You!

Do you happen to have specifications on making this gorgeous robot costume?

Could you please provide some specifications on making the gorgeous robot costume?
Thanks in advance

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